Thursday, December 3, 2009

Professional Development Plan

Today I navigated this website called Starfall I decided to navigate this website, because in my Field Experience observations; I noticed that students enjoyed using this website. Once I entered the website I was not disappointed, now I know that this website is great for education curriculum. The section that I got into was over phonemic awareness and phonics it provided great lessons or activities that students can do to learn and have fun and in the process enjoy reading. I noticed that this website is great lessons for kindergartners.

To conclude, this website made me want to learn more about lessons that integrate technology for kindergartners we as future educators find many resources for the upper grade levels but don't have so many resources for smaller children and I would like to find more websites where lessons are provided for pre-k and kindergartners and not overwhelm the children with concepts they might not know. This website provided simple and enjoyable lessons were children have fun and learn. In my personal experience I believe that the integration of technology should be fun and not confuse and overwhelm those who are new to our technology future.

Name: Starfall

Friday, November 20, 2009

Proffesional Development Plan

Today I navigated this website called Educational Portals and starting Points. This website provided beneficial information about diverse subjects of education. I had the chance to go into this link called ALL America Reads it is a literacy program that has strategies from teachers that have Incorporated their techniques in the classroom and it has helped students be engaged in the subject and learn in the process. I was able to notice how this website helps educators find the resources by having the best links that are out there and not be stressing about searching one by one until you find the best one.

This website made me realize that we are in need of websites such as this were they provide the best links for educators. By navigating and finding information of my interest I would like to learn more about websites that provide the best links and help other future educators who are struggling with searching the best website of their interest.

Name:Educational Portals and Starting Points


Friday, November 13, 2009

Professional Developmental Plan

This week I entered this website called Education world the educator best friend, the website had many helpful resources that are beneficial for educators and future educators as well as parents. Furthermore I entered this site called math machine were it helped you find links for different subjects I entered one called penguin waiter its a game were students from grades 4th through fifth have problems with percentages and students decide the tip to give to the waiter for a greater challenge students calculate the total tip and find the original percentage for the original bill. It also has tech integration for elementary student, this allows students to blog and create their own journal or personal diary. I believe this website is incredible because it incorporates both learning and having fun.

This website made me want to learn more about the integration of technology among students I would like to learn more of websites that incorporate technology to younger students I think it helps them with the future reference.
Name: Education world the educators best friend

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Professional Development Plan

The website I visited this week is called tech learning it has a variety of articles that are fundamental for teachers who want to incorporate technology to their lessons. The article consisted of a research done in which they found out that parents felt that teachers were not preparing their students adequately for the new era of technology. They felt that teachers lacked the resources necessary to lead their students into the technology world.

I see why many parents feel that techers need to be well prepared; parents want their children to be prepared for our future that is technology based. For this reason I would like to learn if their is training for teachers to incoporate technology in the classroom. I take this topic very seriously because I am not that tech wise I definelty would benefit from a technology training if such was required for all teachers.

Name of website: Tech lerning

Friday, October 30, 2009

Professional Developmental Plan

This week I visited the most interesting website called the virtual museum of the city of San Francisco. This website provided information about the gold rush and important people who are part of our history. This website has diaries available and time- lines that individuals can access if needed. This website is very resourceful for students who are doing research or just want to learn more about our history.

This website is different than the recent websites that I have visited, it displays all the important events about San Francisco but it doesn't have lessons for teachers or activities for children however it provides substantial information for a teacher to utilize in a classroom. This website is very interesting.

If I had to do some research or just to read interviews or biographies I would defiently come and visit this website. I am glad that I got the chance to view different websites because it gives me a clear picture of the different resources that are out there and many times we aren't aware of.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Development Plan

The Scholastic website is very resourceful it has lesson plans, activities for all subjects. However, what really got my attention was that it had a section that is called kids press corp were students interact and give their feedback about important news that is of interest to them. Furthermore, I also got the chance to go into the Spanish version of Scholastic that provides the same activities and lessons for Spanish learners.
The scholastic website allowed me to see that various websites lack students input about subjects that are of interest to them; However, this is not the case of scholastic I would like to see other websites give such information. Moreover, scholastic is very resourceful for bilingual teachers, because it gives lesson plans for teachers and useful resources for parents. Overall, scholastic covers all important components of a useful website for teachers, parents, students.
To conclude, scholastic is a website that I would use for further references, and for future assignments. I fully recommend this website especially for us future bilingual teachers that don't have many sample lessons to choose from.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Professional Development Plan
As I viewed this website I learned that it gives feedback for teachers in doing lessons that are technology based. For example, in an article that I read it stated how students are using computer based problems to solve problems. Comments were posted by teachers that had applied it to their classroom and how it had worked for their students. Different school subjects were covered for example students who were developing their writing skills and many other subjects.

I read the articles, but I would have liked to see the actual lessons, and how it integrated technology. This website has wonderful articles that cover the importance of technology based instruction and the benefits.